
conceptual art (表達概念而不是形像的)概念藝術。


Based on the problem caused by the emphasis of technology one - sidedly and the neglect of art , this article advocates that architecture creation should derives nutrition from contemporary art and analyzes the enlightenment significance with the example of the transformation of creation concept brought by conceptual art , the abundance of creation form and the promotion of innovation spirit 摘要該文針對建筑創作中片面地強調技術,忽視藝術而帶來人文思想的缺失問題,倡導建筑創作從當代藝術中汲取營養,并以觀念藝術帶來的創作理念的變革,創作形式的豐富和創新精神的促進為例,分析了當代藝術對建筑創作的啟示意義。

In chinese contemporary art , so many works are societal concept art . why do you choose this path and perspective that seems to bear no relation to conceptual art 江:在中國當代藝術有很多作品都是社會性的觀念藝術,你為什么選擇這種似乎與觀念藝術無關的角度和思路?